[en] Looking Back May 2023

May was awesome but sneezy I had a good time in may 2023. To give more background information: we bought a garden in April! So we spend a lot of time in the garden, gardening, building (a tomato house and stuff), planning and caring plants etc. We also went to Osterspai in Rheinland-Pfalz visiting long time friends of my wife. We also spend the days walking a bit and discovering Koblenz, which is a terrible city, especially for EVs....

June 1, 2023

[en] >Review< of the Lelit Mara X after 1 Year

My Lelit Mara X turns 1 Year now A journey with ups and downs, thanks to coffeecircle Let’s begin with where i bought the Lelit, because this part is crucial for the whole experience i had with this, in my oppinion, great espresso machine. I bought the machine in January 2022 from Coffeecircle, a german based online shop for Coffees and everything coffee related. In the past, i bought coffees and other stuff for the V60 Brewing-Method there as well and never had any issues, the Mara X was in sale, so i thought “why not”....

January 3, 2023

[en] IKEA Tradfri Switch in HomeAssistant

How to control Hue Lights using the dimmer Switch IKEA Tradfri in HomeAssistant After a very long time i bought it again: the Ikea Tradfri dimmer switch. It simply IS the most beautiful Switch out there in my mind. Also it just utilizes the Zigbee Network for communication, which makes it so interesting from a smart-home tinker side. I last bought it in 2018, back then you simply couldn’t do much with it, due to some firmware-problems which IKEA solved quite some time ago....

November 28, 2022

[en] When i was a kid

When I was a kid, I was spending so much time in the forest. Almost every other day I went into the forest. Wandering around, building forts, small forts, big forts. We defended our fort against our “foes” with self-made swords of sticks from the ground. I and my friends were in the forest when you wanted to find us. When I was a kid, I’d been in the forests. Walking around, entering new areas for the sake of materials for our forts....

June 12, 2022

[de] Die Erstellung eines Windows10-Bootstick unter Mac OS X

Die Erstellung eines USB-Sticks zum installieren von Windows unter Mac OS X Dieser Beitrag behandelt ein kurzes Problem auf welches ich stieß. Mein Windows auf meinem Gamingrechner wollte nicht mehr booten. Da auf der Platte mit Windows eh nur Windows liegt, wäre eine Neuinstallation kein großer Verlust. Gedacht - gewollt. Allerdings nutze ich überwiegend Mac und mein Windows wollte ja nicht starten. Also musste ich einen Installations-Stick mit Windows unter Mac erstellen....

October 15, 2021