about me

I love communication, business, science, and sports. IMG_5768 I was born in 1994, grew up in Gelsenkirchen and Herten-Westerholt where i currently live. This is what i do:


volunteering work

what else...

I really do a lot of stuff! I have a no longer produced podcast, which I played very irregularly with my best buddy Dominik. I also do a lot of sports, like riding a bike (road bike or MTB is fine with me) and occasionally weight training.

I am a humanist. I would describe myself as liberal-left. As a supporting member of the Giordano Bruno Stiftung as well as a member of the Düsseldorf Aufklärungsdienst e. V., I am committed to the secularization and enlightenment of people. I think religion and beliefsystems should not play a role in our time.

Since 2022, I have been donating 3 % of my annual net income to the most effective organizations worldwide under the 3 % Pledge at Giving What We Can.

I am a pretty straight-edge person, which means no drugs, no psychodelics, no alcohol (which is part of the other two categories, if you deny it, you should overthink your relationship with that stuff), only sugar and coffee, and both in only small amounts.