
plancraft als App unter Linux

Published on September 2, 2024.

Wie man Plancraft als NativeApp in Linux Desktopumgebungen wie Fedora, Linux Mint, etc. installieren kann.

Mit dem Tool Nativefier geht das relativ simpel.

Nativefier bentötigt Node.js

Nativefier kann man in Discover, Softwareverwaltung, etc. finden. Es ist als Flatpak von Flathub erhältlich.


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The brain of a dachshund

Published on August 2, 2024.

the dachshund has some brain parts. these are:

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lost and found july 24

Published on July 31, 2024.

So i wanted to share some things i stumbled upon within the last weeks:



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framework 13 13th gen running mint

Published on July 4, 2024.

so today my framework 13 13th gen intel laptop arrived. Bildschirmfoto%20vom%202024-06-28%2021-59-26 after some issues i got it all set up, running my facorite os linux mint, but in 21.1 (not the most current version), which is fine for now.

everything works as i expected. i just followed the official guides. the only thing that does not...

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Bürgeranregung Stadt Herten

Published on July 4, 2024.

Ich habe heute eine Bürgeranregung gem. § 24 GO NRW an die Stadt Herten verschickt. Sind wir mal gespannt, was draus wird. Ich halte auf dem Laufenden... Hier ganz offen das zugehörige PDF. Anregung an die Stadt Herten Abfalleimer WesterholterStra0e.pdf

Update 12.07.2024: Die Stadt rief gestern a...

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why i change my laptop

Published on June 25, 2024.

so, over the last years i quite made a journey in hardware and software. one year ago, i installed "by accident" windows 11 on my gaming machine. which was one of the most terrible things i have done in the past 10 years. i do not understand, how anybody would use that shit. windows was so great.


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looking back june 23

Published on July 2, 2023.

2023-06-29 June was amazing!

In the beginning of June we were spending much time in the garden, doing gardening stuff. Then we went to Madeira, the most beautiful place on earth! We spent some vacation time there and were travelling funchal and south coast. Some hikes, some chill outs at the pool,...

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looking back may 2023

Published on June 1, 2023.

[en] Looking Back May 2023

2023-06-01 May was awesome but sneezy

I had a good time in may 2023. To give more background information: we bought a garden in April! So we spend a lot of time in the garden, gardening, building (a tomato house and stuff), planning and caring plants etc.

We also wen...

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review of the mara x

Published on January 3, 2023.

[en] >Review< of the Lelit Mara X after 1 Year

2023-01-03 My Lelit Mara X turns 1 Year now A journey with ups and downs, thanks to coffeecircle

Let’s begin with where i bought the Lelit, because this part is crucial for the whole experience i had with this, in my oppinion, great espresso machine...

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Ikea tradfri in home assistant

Published on November 28, 2022.

[en] IKEA Tradfri Switch in HomeAssistant

2022-11-28 How to control Hue Lights using the dimmer Switch IKEA Tradfri in HomeAssistant

After a very long time i bought it again: the Ikea Tradfri dimmer switch. It simply IS the most beautiful Switch out there in my mind. Also it just utilizes the Zi...

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when i was a kid

Published on June 12, 2022.

[en] When i was a kid


When I was a kid, I was spending so much time in the forest. Almost every other day I went into the forest. Wandering around, building forts, small forts, big forts. We defended our fort against our “foes” with self-made swords of sticks from the ground. I and my...

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[de] Die Erstellung eines Windows10-Bootstick unter Mac OS X

Published on October 15, 2021.

2021-10-15 Die Erstellung eines USB-Sticks zum installieren von Windows unter Mac OS X

Dieser Beitrag behandelt ein kurzes Problem auf welches ich stieß. Mein Windows auf meinem Gamingrechner wollte nicht mehr booten. Da auf der Platte mit Windows eh nur Windows liegt, wäre eine Neuinstallation ke...

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Review meiner Maus

Published on February 19, 2021.

[de] Testbericht zur Logitech MX Master 3

2021-02-19 Heute geht es um meine Maus Logitech MX Master 3

Vorab ein Disclaimer; Ich habe die Maus eigenständig, in vollem Umfang bezahlt und gekauft. Ich werde keine Referral-Links oder ähnliches nutzen um auch nur ansatzweise durch dieses Review zu pr...

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Published on June 15, 2020.

[de] Zettelkastenmethode


In diesem Beitrag möchte ich über meine Liebe zu Markdown sowie der Zettelkastenmethode sprechen. Außerdem zeige ich einen Interessanten Weg, wie ich diese Methode digital nutze. Opensource und recht simpel, ohne dass man “ein übelster Nerd sein muss”, aber de...

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Published on March 15, 2020.


Gem. §219a StGb ist es verboten über die Methodiken des Schwangerschaftsabbruch, auch “Abtreibung” genannt, zu informieren sofern man diese Leistung als Arzt auch anbietet. Da Ärzte wie Kristina Hänel dies nunmehr nicht dürfen, finde ich es wichtig diese wichtigen Informationen dennoch...

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